2025 Programmes

Carmel Sepuloni

Carmel Sepuloni

Hon Carmel Sepuloni is the Labour MP for Kelston. From 2017-2023, she served as the Minister for Social Development and Employment, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage, Minister for Auckland, Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs (Pacific Region). Carmel also served as the 20th Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, the first Pacific and third female in the role. She has previously also held the portfolios of ACC, Disability Issues and Associate Pacific Peoples.

Born in Waitara, Carmel is of Samoan, Tongan and New Zealand European descent.

Carmel entered Parliament in 2008, having worked in the tertiary sector as a literacy educator, a student mentor adviser, an equity manager, and a Pacific health research project manager.

A brief break away from Parliament in 2011-2014 saw Carmel become Chief Executive of Vaka Tautua, a national ‘by Pacific, for Pacific’, health, disability and social services provider.

Website: www.beehive.govt.nz/minister/biography/carmel-sepuloni

Instagram: @csepuloni

X: @carmelsepuloni