2025 Programmes

2025 Schools Programme will be launched in early February and the public programmes will be launched in mid-March

Toby Morris

Toby Morris

Toby Morris is a comic artist, author and illustrator based in Tāmaki Makarau Auckland. He's drawn everything from band posters to murals to the box of Edmond's Baking Powder, but is best known for creating documentary comics series like The Side Eye and Pencilsword, books for children like Te Tiriti O Waitangi and Capsicum, Capsi Go, and for his communication work using illustration to explain complex topics, for which he was awarded the Prime Minister's Prize for Science Communication in 2022. He's currently drawing the weekly series People Watching for Stuff and the Sunday Star-Times, and working on a new pitcture book about a pūkeko mystery.
