Look, Listen & Learn


An exceptional evening performance brings together celebrated writers and taonga pūoro practitioners in a lyrical weaving of language and song. Arihia Latham, Anahera Gildea, Becky Manawatu, essa may ranapiri and Tusiata Avia take you on a journey of sound and words, from the distant past to the distant future. Featuring live taonga pūoro from composer, musician and poet Ruby Solly and Arts Laureate Ariana Tikao, as well as pre-recorded compositions from artists Rob Thorne, Horomona Horo, Richard Nunns and Al Fraser.

He whakaaturanga pō, he inati hoki, e whakatōpū ana i ētahi ringatuhi me ētahi kaiwhakatangi taonga pūoro rangatira ki tētahi kaupapa whatu ā-kupu i te reo me te waiata. Mā Arihia Latham rātou ko Anahera Gildea, ko Becky Manawatu, ko essa may ranapiri, ko Tusiata Avia koe e ārahi ki tētahi haerenga ā-oro, ā-kupu anō, i inamata noa atu, ki anamata noa atu. He taonga pūoro ka whakatangi mataoratia e te ringatito, e te ringa pūoru, e te ringa toikupu hoki, e Ruby Solly rāua ko te rau kahurangi toi, ko Ariana Tikao. Ka rangona hoki he titonga nā ngā ringatoi, nā Rob Thorne rātou ko Horomona Horo, ko Richard Nunns, ko Al Fraser kua oti kē te rekoatahia.